Lynn – Book Club Fan
Your newest book is classified as a Romance Novel. Is this your first experience writing this type of novel?
While all my books have a sort of love story in them, this one is specifically a love concern between a couple, and the whole story is a composition of them attempting to get together.
Why did you decide to write a love story?
I have an interest in attempting to write many different genres. I wanted to write a Christmas story as well, so I combined the two.
Do your love scenes get hot and heavy?
Ha, no. I’m from a past generation where Lucy and Desi on the Lucille Ball TV Show showed all bedroom scenes in twin beds. Now, they let it all hang out. Yet, magazine articles today say the younger generation has trouble enjoying “love making” as we called it. Maybe we knew something they did not know. We were not bothered by their types of concerns. Besides, I don’t have a need to embarrass my adult children and grandchildren. Let the reader’s mind imagine what’s between the lines – or between the sheets, so to speak. Though, I might use words that titillate a little.
The movie Director, Alfred Hitchcock, used to place himself in a short scene in all of his movies. Do you have any quirks like that?
Yes, I do. I try, in each of my books, to depict a real-life situation of someone in my family and expand from there. It could be their expressions, or a cancer scare, or a hospital stay. It might even be about a dog they once owned. What I choose to use is never a negative thing about anyone, so if you read something bad happening to one of my characters that is completely fiction, otherwise I would not write it. If someone had a lovely cancer ceremony, I might choose to incorporate it within the story. Or, I may pick something humorous that one of them texted to me. I never tell them ahead of time, so it comes as a complete surprise when they read it.
Why did you want to incorporate Christmas in your story?
Despite the many, many loved ones we’ve lost in our lifetime, Christmas at our house is always special. Every year, during the Christmas season, I take time out from the hustle and bustle to indulge myself by reading a Christmas story by other authors. In most cases, these books tend to create the type of scenario I always imagine at Christmas time. It just makes me feel good. I began to think I should write a Christmas story of my own, and that is what I did.
Are you writing another story as we speak?
Yes, I am. I am familiar with small town life, so a lot of my stories reflect that. Hmm, maybe the one after that should be about city life (the author said this with a smile). Something occurs that was not a common occurrence during the time period in which it was written. Consequently, a mystery evolves, but more about that later. If I were to give it a category, it would be A Mystery.
Will you ever retire from writing like you did from your other professions?
I think I’ll keep writing right up to the day they put me in a grave. It’s great having two lives – one real, and one a fantasy. Presently, my main concern is getting back to running my own business myself to make things easier for my family when I’m gone. I used to pay others to manage it. Most people write because they want to achieve riches and fame. I have all the money I’ll ever desire, and fame scares me. If I can entertain my wonderful family and friends just a little bit, that’s all I’ll ever need.
Thank you.
You are quite welcome.