Lu’s Limericks
I once had a little black crow
My friends thought this funny
you know
He stayed in a shed
Ate some paint and was dead
My poor little tiny black crow
We all used to play hide and seek
The counter was told not to peek
We would play until dark
In our yards or the park
And when you were found you might freak
As a scout I once saw a snake
At first I thought it was fake
When I saw that it moved
I did not approve
I ran fast and fell in the lake
In high school I so loved to cheer
We could not drink liquor or beer
But this was ok as we watched
the guys play
Cause our shouts we all liked to hear
18 year olds are a joy
Some think of cars as a toy
Their hormones go crazy
They can appear lazy
We do hope that they will employ
The ladies wore hats colored red
It was their time in life they all said
They were different, for sure
Acting silly, though mature
Being silly was better then dead
If you shout your kids will be mean
They’ll get worse by the time their fourteen
Treat them good they’ll be happy
Then your life won’t be crappy
The rewards will give you esteem
© Copyright - Lucille M. Griswold
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